
Resonate! Yemen

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Public Policy
Organisation Objectives: 
- Providing opportunities for young Yemenis to build policy analysis and civic leadership skills - Encouraging policy makers in Yemen to accept youth as major stakeholders in policy design and implementation - Developing and articulating policy proposals on issues national and international significance - Implementing a select number of initiatives developed through Resonate’s public policy deliberations - Becoming the resource of choice for Government, private sector, and local/international NGOs wishing to engage the perspectives and talents of Yemeni youth who have an interest in public affairs
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
Combating Terrorism in Yemen: A Youth Perspective: This was the first project for the Resonate! Yemen. Using online and offline tools, the project collected input from Yemeni youth on the challenge of Terrorism facing Yemen and how the international community can assist Yemen in addressing this challenge. Our Priorities - Our Future: Engaging Yemeni Youth in the Government’s 10-point plan: This project was aimed at engaging the Yemeni Youth about the 10-Point Plan which was the focus of the Yemeni Government in 2010. The project did not only inform the youth about the content of the plan but also engaged them with members of the Technical Committee that was responsible for the plan via facilitating online interaction and arranging workshops and debate sessions on the plan. Political Influence of Youth: Reality and Aspirations: This project consisted of workshops that Resonate! held in Sana’a and Aden to build the capacity of the independent youth movements and facilitate the creation of a coalition that represents these movements. The project was successful in reaching a coordination mechanism for the youth movements in Sana’a, and in facilitating the creation of a coalition that includes all youth movements in Aden. Basics of Constitutional Law: Resonate! Yemen in partnership with the Democratic School and Life Makers Foundation organized several seminars on the Basics of Constitutional Law. The sessions were delivered by a lawyer specialized in International Law and the Yemeni Constitution. The future of Yemen’s Economy: Resonate! produced a short documentary about the economic situation of Yemen. The documentary features interviews with key experts, Government officials, academics, business-men, and international community representatives in which they analyze the challenges facing the Yemeni economy and give their opinion on how the economy should be handled going forward. Yemen: Strategies for Change – Playing the Policy Game: Resonate! Yemen partnered with Chatham House to organize this policy dialogue workshop seeking to find common areas of understanding between Yemeni civil society actors and the international policymaking community, and to address (mis)perceptions, areas of influence, and best paths to move forward. The workshop also identified practical mechanisms to continue building channels and productive partnerships between Yemen's civil society and the international community. Make Your Voice Heard – Youth Training on Participatory Democracy: This project targeted 50 youth activists from 5 governorates in a 5-day workshop to build their understanding and skills in the field of participatory democracy. The project trained youth on basics of politics and democracy, then focused on advocacy, lobbying, and grassroots mobilization training. The project concluded with a roundtable discussion between the participating youth and the leaders of the largest political parties in Yemen on the topic of youth political inclusion.
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
not yet visited
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Governance, Institutional Development
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
age group - youth
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Amanat Al Asimah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Reem Fakhri
Contact Person's Postion: 
Administrative Assistant
Contact eMail Address :

Yemen Education For Employment (YEFE)

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
1.Assess local labor market needs. 2.Training and job placement. 3.Establish partnership arrangements with employers to secure internship and job commitments for youth. 4.Customize curricula to meet the needs of employers. 5.Deliver professional and vocational skills training programs. 6.Ongoing career development, mentoring, networking and civic engagement opportunities for graduates. 7.Monitoring & Evaluation of graduates after placement.
Organisation Objectives: 
YEFE creates public-private partnership that offer a solution to the paradox of high youth employment and unskilled labor market with high staff turnover. By involving business, education and young stakeholders, YEFE bridges the gap between sectors to bring youth and the market closer together. YEFE complete the circle from unemployment to training to job placement and finally alumni support. YEFE's job placement programs provide youth with the skills they need to earn a living and build their future.
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
not yet visited
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
age group - youth
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Al Hudaydah
Al Jawf
Amanat Al Asimah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Bashara Doughaish
Contact Person's Postion: 
Program Associate
Contact eMail Address :

FREEDOM FOUNDATION for media freedom, rights and development مؤسسة حرية

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Freedom Foundation for media freedom, rights and development is a Yemeni non-governmental and non-profit organization, focusing on protecting press and media freedom and media development in Yemen. Its Founder and president is the Yemeni journalist Khaled al-Hamamdi, the winner of the International Press Freedom Award 2011 from Canadian Journalists for Free Expression. Vision: Advancing Media Freedom..Promoting Democracy and Human Rights. Mission: Freedom Foundation.. is a volunteer non-government foundation and local initiative for monitoring anti- media freedom violations and for press rights’ advocacy as well as for media development to strength media capabilities as a vital actor in rising awareness and advancing freedom, democracy and human rights in Yemen, through networking with local, regional and international organizations to be an excellent and pioneer in its field.
Organisation Objectives: 
Objectives: - Monitoring violations against Media freedom and rights. - Advocating media, defending press freedom and rights. - Advancing press freedom and free expression. - Rising awareness of democracy and human rights. - Developing Media and journalists’ profession and skills.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
Programs and Projects: - Monitoring press freedom violations. - Advocacy and providing legal support to media. - Quality and world-class training for media. - Promoting Human rights. - Democracy development. مؤسسة حرية، للحقوق والحريات الإعلامية والتطوير، هي منظمة يمنية غير حكومية، تهتم برصد الانتهاكات والدفاع عن الحريات الاعلامية والقيام بعمليات المناصرة وتوفير الدعم القانوني للإعلاميين والتطوير الاعلامي بمعايير عالمية. الرؤية: نرتقي بحرية الإعلام.. لتعزيز الديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان الرسالة: مؤسسة حرّية.. مؤسسة طوعية ومبادرة محلية لرصد الانتهاكات لحرية الإعلام والمناصرة لحقوق الصافيين والتطوير الاعلامي، وتنمية القدرات الاعلامية للإضطلاع بدورها في الارتقاء بالوعي وتعزيز الحرية والديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان في اليمن، بالتشبيك مع منظمات مماثلة محلية وإقليمية ودولية، تحقيقا للتميّز والريادة. الأهداف: • رصد الانتهاكات للحقوق والحريات الإعلامية. • مناصرة الصحافيين والدفاع عن حقوقهم وحرياتهم. • الارتقاء بالحريات الصحافية والاعلامية وحرية التعبير. • تنمية الوعي الحقوقي وتعزيز الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان. • تطوير مهارات ومهنية الاعلاميين وفق المعايير العالمية.
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
not yet visited
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Conflict Management
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Media and Information
Protection / Rule of Law
Training and Organizational Support
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - youth
age group - elderly
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Al Bayda
Al Hudaydah
Al Jawf
Al Mahrah
Al Mahwit
Amanat Al Asimah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Khaled al-Hammadi خالد الحمادي
Contact Person's Postion: 
President رئيس
Contact eMail Address :
Jobs / Internships / Volunteers

الجمعية اليمنية لمرضى الثلاسيميا والدم الوراثي

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Is an association founded in 2000 on the initiative of the parents of the injured and a group of doctors interested in childhood in order to help patients with thalassemia and hereditary blood to provide medical assistance to them and educate the community the dangers of the disease and ways to avoid infection.
Organisation Objectives: 
Support people with thalassemia and hereditary blood diseases morally, socially and financially, and to advise them.Work to provide safe blood continuously.Community awareness of t he importance of blood donation at the level of the Republic of Yemen for the continuation of the lives of patients with thalassemia and hereditary blood. Contact associations and international institutions similar to the purpose of sharing information and experiences and follow-up medical research and treatment of Thalassemia. Provide ideal natural limit to the needs of the treatment and Filters (strainer), and pumps and medical supplies.Development of programs for awareness and health education in the community to reduce the spread of the disease and to identify how to prevent it through lectures, publications and the media in collaboration with various stakeholders. Development and training of medical services.Educate couples about to marry the need for screening before marriage.Invite associations and large enterprises in the Republic to provide material assistance and moral of the Assembly and in accordance with the provisions of the law. Encourage patients with thalassemia and hereditary blood to be productive members in society and their participation in nation building through the provision of education and employment opportunities for them. Hard drive via the relevant authorities for the establishment of the National Center for patients with thalassemia and hereditary blood.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
Establishment of private diagnostic clinic for patients in the association's headquarters to preview the patients and providing medical advice to them every day for free.Provide follow-up drug Aldesfiral from the Ministry of Health annually.Work on the provision and distribution of devices Aldesfiral injection needles.Follow-up of the Ministry of Health until the introduction of treatment Alxgid - pills - for patients with thalassemia.The establishment of a special clinic laboratory diagnostic tests for the work free day.Create a mobile laboratory for mobility in schools and universities to raise awareness and conduct tests that show Download free members of the society or any kind of genetic blood diseases Teixrat and thalassemia.Coordination with the National Center for Blood Transfusion and research to provide safe blood and separated for patients free of charge.Coordination with some laboratory tests to work free for patients.Coordination with the work of some hospitals to television rays to patients for free.Create a diagnostic clinic pharmacy for dispensing the periodic (every month) for patients every day for free.Extraction is exempt from the fees of patients testing laboratory in the central laboratory.Coordination with one eye doctors to preview the patients who have a weakness in the consideration and testing work for free.Participation in international conferences concerned with thalassemia patients.Contribute to the preparation and follow-up bill mandatory medical examination before marriage (the law of safe motherhood) and subject to the Commission on Public Health and Population Council of Representatives.Dispensing of medicines for the treatment of complications every day for free.The work of the laboratory tests - periodic - for patients free of charge.Conduct follow-up splenectomy for patients with an oversized free.Disbursement of cash assistance to patients who are deteriorating state of health.Work training courses for parents of patients.Campaigns to donate blood for the benefit of patients.Enable researchers and students graduates from the faculties of medicine and laboratory research work and studies on patients through the archive of the Assembly.Coordination with some NGOs interested in facilitating the marriage - weddings collective - to make the necessary medical examinations for grooms before marriage.Extraction of circulating from the Health Ministry to all government hospitals in all provinces of the Republic of patients exempt from charges preview and lie down.Is extracted from the Ministry of Health to provide free blood for patients.
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Human Rights
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
age group - children
age group - youth
special needs
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Al Bayda
Al Hudaydah
Al Jawf
Al Mahrah
Al Mahwit
Amanat Al Asimah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Dr. Raidan A. Qassem
Contact Person's Postion: 
Projects Development Officer
Contact eMail Address :

Civic Democratic Initiative Support Foundation- CDF

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Democratic and Civil Rights and conflict resolutions
Organisation Objectives: 
Strength democratic and civic initiative in the Yemen society through Democratic Values, Human Rights principles and Equal Opportunities.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
1- Good Governance (Decentralization, Judiciary programs). 2- Democracy (Civic education, Increasing democracy participation, Monitoring) 3. Women’s Rights(Eliminating early marriage camping ( Advocacy and Lobbying), Resisting Violence Against women- VAW, Rural Women Human Rights and Economic Empowerment , Judicial and Cultural VAW Resisting integration within Rural Yemen social Systems Project) 4- Policy(NGOs Law Amendments, Parliamentarians Awareness Raising and Legislation Lobbying, 5-Shadow Reports) 6- Tribal Conflict Resolution 7- Youth
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Conflict Management
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Media and Information
Protection / Rule of Law
Rural Development
Training and Organizational Support
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - children
age group - youth
age group - elderly
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Al Bayda
Al Hudaydah
Al Jawf
Al Mahrah
Al Mahwit
Amanat Al Asimah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Sultana Al-Jeham
Contact Person's Postion: 
Executive Director
Contact eMail Address :

Helping Hand Org

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Restoration of historical Forts, Castles and temples, development , Agricultural aid, orphanes, Organize events that support youth • Job Assistance, Social Services, Self Improvement Program (SIP) for Youth & Adult, Community improvement program, Educational Support Program, Train & educate farmers in better & easy ways to use water & irrigation systems around Yemen, Desertification fighting programs and anti terrorist program.
Organisation Objectives: 
Goal 1: Gain financial sustainability and donors' satisfaction and trust. Goal 2: Effectively utilize the means of mass communication. Goal 3: Assist and empower the people in need. Goal 4: Develop highly responsive and professional leadership, staff, and volunteers Goal 5: Develop effective disaster and emergency response
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Coordination and Support Services
Human Rights
Infrastructure and Rehabilitation
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Protection / Rule of Law
Rural Development
Rural Roads
Shelter and Non-food Items
Small and Micro Enterprises Development
Training and Organizational Support
Urban Development
Water and Sanitation
Youth Child Care
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Al Mahrah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Abdullah Seger
Contact Person's Postion: 
Contact eMail Address :

Erada organization for Development

General Information
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Training and Organizational Support
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
age group - children
age group - youth
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Hudaydah
Amanat Al Asimah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Nabil Kassim Al-Hakami
Contact Person's Postion: 
Executive Manager
Contact eMail Address :

nama micro finance program

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
About Nama Nama microfinance Program was established in 2000 after the signing of a cooperation agreement between United Nations (UNDP) and the Charitable Society for social welfare (sponsored authority) in capital Secretariat– Sana'a – yemen. Our vision the lead in financing small and smaller enterprises for the poor and the unemployed of both sexes to become the institution most capable of reduction of poverty , unemployment and achieve sustainable development . Our mission Contribute to the reduction of un employment and poverty alleviation through the provision of a continuous Series of soft loans to small entrepreneurs and smaller ways of Islamic finance for Cooperation with governmental organizations and civil wheel payment of local development.
Organisation Objectives: 
Objective • Increase the work force in small enterprises , thus easing the unemployment rate. • Increase the income of individuals and poor families and improve the standard of living . • Support and empowerment women's economic . • Contribute to the fight against poverty and the negative implications on the lives and future of this family
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Small and Micro Enterprises Development
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - youth
age group - elderly
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Hudaydah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Contact Person's Postion: 
Contact eMail Address :

Youth Leadership Development Foundation

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Youth Leadership Development Foundation (YLDF) is a non-governmental non-profit organization, located in Sana’a capital city of Yemen. YLDF was founded to support youth in voicing their opinions and needs, and participating in Yemen’s development, especially underprivileged and female youth. Youth represents a wide base in the demographic pyramid of Yemen, yet they play a small role in decision making processes and have a minor contribution to the economy. Under the umbrella of YLDF, both Girls World Communication Center (GWCC) and Youth Economic Development Center (YEDC) operate to serve Yemeni youth in Sana’a and other governorates. GWCC, predecessor of YLDF, was established in 1998 as the first language Center in Yemen catering exclusively to girls. In 2001, it was registered officially with the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education. The center is the first institute in Yemen specialized in girls' capacity building. Currently it also offers different programs that enhance male and female youth participation in community development as well as supports youth NGOs and initiatives to play active development roles. In 2005, the Center was incorporated into the Youth Leadership Development Foundation. YEDC, previously called Youth Economic Development Initiative funded by MEPI, as launched in 2005 as a training program. YLDF decided to invest in the successes of the program and expand its activities through establishing Youth Economic Development Center in 2006 with support from MEPI and Canadian Development Program. The center mainly serves Yemeni young males and females to become economically secure and socially established and thus able to participate in all domains of economic life in which merit and attitude transcend social status and gender. Our vision is a Yemen in which skilled, well qualified and active young women and men play leadership roles in all domains of society and enable Yemenis to contribute to a better world. Our mission is “to increase male and female youth participation in development of their communities through high standards of quality education and participatory and action oriented training and youth NGOs and initiatives capacity building overall Yemeni governorates in response to development and labor market needs”. YLDF works in light of the following values:  Quality Assurance  Non- Discrimination  Gender Equity  Respect of Human Rights  Fostering Creativity  Participation  Continuous Improvement  Volunteerism  Sustainability
Organisation Objectives: 
YLDF 2011-2015 strategy aims to achieve the following strategic objectives: 1. Increase levels of leadership and life skills of school female and male students in grades 7-11 2. Enhance academic counseling services and increase level of readiness of high school graduates to enroll in universities. 3. Increase opportunities for female and male youth to enter the labor market 4. Increase levels of community participation of female and male university graduates 5. Increase efficiency of youth NGOs and Initiatives to engage in their local community development
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
Young leadership Program  Human Rights Program  Khadija Program  Young Entrepreneurs in Development  Camera As Voice: Citizenship  MEPI Allumni Local Chapter  Monitoring & Reporting of Child Rights Violations in Yemen  WASL-Adolescent Conference  Foundation of Peace  Youth Political Leadership Program  Leaders Speak English
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Human Rights
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
age group - youth
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Hudaydah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Safa'a Rawiah
Contact Person's Postion: 
General Manager
Contact eMail Address :
Jobs / Internships / Volunteers